Mole Creek Caving Club
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Introduction to caving with MCCC  get the caving bug!

Caving trips, skills practise days, permit trips, combined club trips or search and rescue exercises, are usually planned at meetings, supplemented with ad hoc trips. Flexibility is built in to planning to cater for vagaries in the weather and skills and interests of those who participate. We visit caves relating to all interests and abilities, as well we do training, walks and reconnaissance trips to find new caves. Monthly cave meets are held at Mole Creek. Trips to other areas include Ida Bay, Junee-Florentine, Mt Cripps, and other Tasmanian cave and pseudokarst areas. Some members have caved interstate and overseas. We consume chocolate at all times, and also have occasional speleosports, socials and slide nights.

Tasmanian bush is pretty friendly - no bears, lions, wild boars or anything out there to eat you. Neither are deadly diseases like malaria rampant. We have venomous snakes, but these are shy and will generally retreat. We have some irritants like leeches, march flies, mosquitoes, ticks, biting ants and stinging nettles. The most significant hazard is hypothermia, so you need warm clothes and rainwear in your kit. Karst forest is cryptic, and care is needed with navigation.

Caves in Tasmania are generally wet, cold (5-10°C) and totally dark. Drips from the ceiling, and wading through pools may dampen your enthusiasm. Hypothermia is a very real hazard. Caves are remote environments where rescues are difficult to perform - heed safety instructions. Tell your leader of any health issues, (for example; previous joint injury, asthma & allergy, epilepsy, phobias) before entering a cave. Read and sign the club Notice & Warning sheet, pay your membership, and go along on the next trip. Discuss issues, doubts or concerns with the trip leader or the club executive.

The cave environment deserves respect, and special minimal impact procedures are necessary to conserve the fragile ecology and karst processes. Take note of your leader's caving instructions, and learn the codes of practise. See if you can leave no trace of your visit to the cave.

Despite all the hazards, difficulties and responsibilities for visitors, caves are a fascinating delicate and ancient environment, have unique low-energy ecology, pose personal challenges and can feed your soul with the rich, rewarding experience.  

it's interesting down here!


Basic gear for starters: Get your hands on (buy, hire, borrow, steal):    

  • Warm clothing (thermals, wool etc) protecting the torso in particular, as legs often get wet anyway 

  • Combination overalls are highly recommended on the top for protection - light polyester/cotton or nylon ones are much better than heavy cotton drill ones which get wet, cold, heavy and feel like suits of armour. There is often a walk to the cave entrance, so bring a raincoat too.

  • Strong footwear: older walking boots, dairy boots, army boots are all quite good. 

  • Some like to use soft kneepads, gloves, warm hat under helmet, etc. Ask for advice!

  • Helmet: Construction, climber, canoeing or hard-top bike helmet. Club has helmets with lights.

  • Lights: Three independent lights are recommended; the main light mounted on the helmet (miners lamp, Petzl Zoom, etc.) and at least extra torches fitted (for example with a long strap attached) to allow freedom of hands. (The club has hat/lights for hire)

  • Personal medication as required for a period of remote activity and a first aid/emergency kit.

  • Day-pack for lunch, snack bars, CHOCOLATE, thermos, extra layers of clothes, spare lights, spare bulbs & batteries, tool kit, first aid kit, bags for rubbish, paper and container for toilet, camera, flashes & tripod, and any other equipment.

  • A change of clean dry clothes and footwear to leave in the cars for after. 

  • CHOCOLATE; make sure you have enough, if in doubt, double the amount! Twice! 

  • - if in any doubt about any aspect of caving, contact us before going caving.  

      Please use your common sense, read our disclaimer, get quality guidance and cave safely.

      We now also run a youth outreach program offering presentations and caving activities specialising
       to cater for the needs of schools and youth groups.

      Read more at our conservation page, and also the ASF codes of practise.

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 come caving: take the plunge!