Mole Creek Caving Club   

Our library collection

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   MCCC's Library 

The club holds a modest number of books, a larger number of conservation, management and research documents, and many journals and newsletters kindly sent in by fellow Australian caving organisations. These are all available for members' use and free loan for very reasonable periods of time. The Librarian maintains and catalogues the collection, and keeps a loans log. Most items are irreplaceable, hence it is expected that borrowers return items in original condition and in timely fashion.



 Library collection (in summary)

Caving serials (journals and newsletters)

Australian Cave & Karst Management Association Newsletter/Journal
Australian Caver (Australian Speleological Federation)
Bulletin of the Sydney University Speleological Society (SUSS)
Calcite (Highland Caving Group)
Cave Exploration Group of South Australia Newsletter (CEGSA)
Cave In (CAVEX)
Cavers Chronicle (Cave Research Group of Western Australia)
Doline (Caving Club of Victoria)
FUSSI (Flinders University Speleological Society)
Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society (SSS)
Journal of the Tas Cave & Karst Research Group (TCKRG)
Nargun (Victorian Speleological Association)
Quaver / MUCG-Raker (Macquarie University Caving Group)
Spar (University of NSW Speleological Society)
Speleo Spiel (Tas. Caverneering Club/Southern Tasmanian Caverneers)
Speleograffiti (National University Caving Club)
Speleopod (Savage River Caving Club)
Southern Caver (Southern Caving Society)
Trog (Kempsey Speleological Society)
Troglodyte (Northern Caverneers)
Union Internationale de Speleologie Bulletin
Western Caver (Western Australian Speleological Group)

Other Publications

ANZECC 1992 Draft national forest policy statement 
Cadman et al 1990 The Great Western Tiers: the case for conservation. A Proposal for a 
   Great Western Tiers National Park, TWIG et al.
CEGSA annual reports
Eberhard, Richardson & Swain 1991 The invertebrate cave fauna of Tasmania, Uni of Tas.
ESD steering committee 1992 Draft national strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development
Forestry Commission 1992 Draft Great Western Tiers Forest Management Plan
Forestry Commission 1993 Great Western Tiers Forest Management Plan
Forestry Tasmania 1994 Tourism in Tas State Forest. A Discussion Paper
Forestry Tasmania 1995 Tourism Policy for Tasmanian Forests.
Forestry Tasmania 1999 Mersey District Forest Management Plan
Jennings 1987 Wee Jasper Caves
Judson & Champion 1981 Caving and Potholing
Kiernan 1989 Karst, Caves & Management at Mole Creek, Tasmania
Landcare Tasmania 1992 Land degradation & soil conservation in Tasmania
NG steering committee 1992 Draft national greenhouse response strategy
NSW Cave Rescue Squad Annual Report 88/89 and Journal Autumn 1991
NSW Scout Assn South Coast Area Rock activities Log Book
Parks Wildlife & Heritage 1990 The Appropriate Boundaries of a WHA in Western Tasmania
Parks Wildlife & Heritage 1992 Mt Field National Park consultation program
Parks Wildlife & Heritage 1992 Tasmanian World Heritage Management Plan
Parks Wildlife & Heritage 1993 Kubla Khan Cave State Reserve Draft Management Plan
Parks & Wildlife Service 1994 Kubla Khan Cave State Reserve Management Plan
Parks & Wildlife Service 2001 Mole Creek Karst National Park Draft Management Plan
Parks & Wildlife Service 2004 Mole Creek Karst National Park Management Plan
Royal Mulu Resort, Sarawak, promotional material with cave emphasis 
Soc Growing Aust Plants 1994 Garden plants are going bush, and become environmental weeds
Spate 1991 Kubla Khan Cave State Reserve pilot management study
Speleo Brazil 2001 international conference program and information
Sport & Recreation - Outdoor experiences
Sydney Speleological Society 1993 Publications of SSS
Tas Govt Tourist Bureau 1920, 1921, Picturesque Tasmania, vol.1#4, vol.2#7
Tas Public Land Use Commission 1995 Inquiry into Tas Crown Land Classification (3 reports)
TASTROG 1993 Conference papers and Conference Handbook.
Western Tiers Campaign 1993 Towards a Great Western Tiers National Park Management Plan.
Wildsports Wildspots and Catalogues
VSA annual reports

Reprinted articles

Dalton 1995 Seligeria cardotii R.Br, a new moss record for Tasmania, NZ J Botany 33, 143-145.
How & Lichon 1994 Abstract: A history of Croesus Cave, Tasmania, 2nd Aust Seminar on
    Spelean History.
Hunter 1993 New cave tourism, Tastrog paper.
Kiernan et al 1993 Land management, water quality and sedimentation in subsurface karst
    conduits, Helictite 31(1) 3-12.
Larkin 1993 Some aspects of the interactions between environmental law and karst in Australia,
    Tastrog paper.
Lichon 1992 The phototropic phytospeleothems of Moss Palace, Mole Creek, Tasmania,
    Helictite 30(1) 8-10.
Lichon 1993 Human impacts on processes in karst terranes, with special reference to Tasmania,
   Cave Science 20(2) 55-60.
Shannon et al 1993 The Mount Cripps karst, north western Tasmania, Tastrog paper.
Wools-Cobb 1993 Taking beginners caving, Tastrog paper.

This listing is not complete - some more recent publications are yet to be added here.

Note: the club also has for sale to the public issues of our journal Illuminations,
          and for members, back issues of newsletters.

Donations of any library items are most welcome.

i  Questions? email or phone (03) 62391506.

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having a browse...









mmmm... chocolate!








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